What a fabulous gene pool.


Some found the annual fairy procession a little more exciting than others.

It’s situations like these that make me sure I wasn’t adopted (or we were all subjected to some sort of similar trauma):

A nightly ritual in our house is catching my little brother to help with the dishwasher before he slinks away to ‘do some homework’ (play on his computer, play with the dog, watch tv, roll around on the floor moaning  etc). However, a recent development seems to be – hide somewhere & terrify your sister.

The other night, I was about to give up searching when something in the laundry (our toy poodle’s sanctuary) caught my eye. My little brother was silently standing in Teddy’s basket, wielding a butter knife – somewhat reminiscent of Jack Nicholson, circa 1980. When asked (after a small amount of screaming) what the hell he was doing in there, I received the response: “Helping with the dishwasher”.

So, as any good big sister would do –  I quickly snapped a picture of him in the basket before he could de-creep himself. Then, promptly texted his – Here’s Johnny!! – moment to my older sister (I wouldn’t want her to miss out on these special moments in our little brother’s childhood).

This is the conversation that ensued:

Me: I think it’s time we registered him on some kind of list

Eliza: I can just see the pictures on the news now…

Me: Local pervert found lurking in the laundry with dirty butter knife

Eliza: On further questioning he stated that he was looking for the large grey rat that lives in the laundry to skin for his headwear. He was charged with crimes against fashion as well as general creepiness

Me: I just misread headwear for underwear – awesome.

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